Saturday, June 5, 2010

Aqua Fun, Fevers and a new Drum Set

Devo and his bestie Henry, went to the new Splash Pad (one of two things that makes living on the west side of town bearable) on Memorial Day. Both 'lil fellas had a great time running through the water and being sprayed by all the different fountains. I was proud of Devo and Henry for being brave and trying new stuff so readily. The more the two of them hang out together the less they engage in parallel play and the more they play with each other. Henry can even call Devo by name!
The rest of the week was not so great. Devo ended up getting sick with an ear infection and at one point had a really high fever. His first round of antibiotics caused an allergic reaction but as of the end of the week he is seeming to feel okay. He even spent some time with aunt's Sherri and Margaret while Megan and I had a great dinner at Le Petit Cafe.
We retrieved our drum set from Chris' house and set it up in the basement. I moved a floor tom and a crash cymbal over by Devo's exer-saucer. Man that kid went to town! HE can almost keep a beat. I hope he continues to enjoy the drums... in my experience, if a person can play the drums they will be in demand. Bands always need drummers.

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